Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1: Intro and Developmental Stages

    • Welcome

    • Pre-Program Survey

    • Introduction

    • Course Overview

    • Grounding

    • Grounding: 5-4-3-2-1

    • Why Caregiving Matters

    • Connected Caregiving Quiz

    • Stages of Psychosocial Development

    • My Caregiving Experiences

    • Caregiving Beliefs

    • Childhood Trauma and the Brain

    • My Caregiving Beliefs

    • Self-Care

    • End of Session 1

  • 2

    Module 2: Attachment

    • Welcome and Overview

    • Grounding

    • Mindfulness Meditation: 3 Minute Breathing Space

    • Attachment: True or False

    • What is Attachment?

    • Video on Attachment

    • Attachment Stages

    • Creating Attachment

    • Attachment Styles Video

    • Attachment Styles

    • Why Attachment Matters

    • Attachment Quiz

    • Quiz Answers

    • Self-Care

    • End of Module 2

  • 3

    Module 3: Parenting Styles and Boundaries

    • Introduction and Overview

    • Grounding

    • Parenting Style Survey

    • Parenting Styles

    • Parenting Style Video

    • What are Boundaries?

    • The Importance of Boundaries

    • Boundary Video

    • Boundary Beliefs Quiz

    • Parenting Style and Boundary Goals

    • Self-Care

    • End of Module 3

  • 4

    Module 4: Discipline

    • Introduction and Overview

    • Grounding

    • My Discipline Beliefs

    • Punishment vs. Discipline

    • What is Discipline - and What Its Not

    • The Problem with Yelling - Video

    • Childhood Abuse and Neglect

    • What to do if You Suspect Abuse

    • Difference Types of Discipline

    • Take a break, grab a drink, and watch this short video on tips to disciplining your children

    • Discipline Strategies

    • Are Time-Outs Effective? - Video

    • Spanking - Why it Doesn't Work

    • How Friends Influence Behaviour

    • My Discipline Commitments

    • Self Care

    • End of Module 4

  • 5

    Module 5: Time Management

    • Introduction and Overview

    • Grounding

    • What is Time Management?

    • How I Spend My Time

    • Personal Time Management Quiz

    • The Importance of Time Management and Routines

    • How Important Are Routines to a Child's Development? Video

    • Routine Tips

    • Creating a Routine

    • Common Time Management Misconceptions Quiz

    • Common Time Management Misconceptions

    • Priorities: Important vs. Urgent

    • Time Management Activity

    • Time Management with Kids

    • Self Care

    • End of Module 5

  • 6

    Module 6: Substance Use

    • Introduction and Overview

    • Grounding

    • What is Addiction?

    • Harm Reduction and Safe Use with Children in the House

    • Harm Reduction Video

    • Needle Storage ​

    • Liquid Nicotine

    • Substances ​

    • Secondhand Smoke​

    • Child and Family Roles in Households with Substance Use.

    • When to Ask for Help with Care

    • Where to Ask for Help

    • Self Care

    • End of Module 6

  • 7

    Module 7: Basic Safety and First Aid

    • Welcome and Overview

    • Grounding

    • 5-4-3-2-1 Video

    • First Aid Assessment

    • Assessment Answers

    • Infant Specific Safety and First Aid

    • Chocking Hazard Quiz

    • Preventing and Recognizing Chocking

    • Chocking Response

    • Infant CPR

    • Sleeping Safety

    • Fevers

    • Child Focused First Aid

    • Asthma

    • Asthma Video

    • Poisons Quiz

    • Poisons

    • Burns

    • Burn Video

    • Cuts, Scrapes and Nose Bleeds

    • Child CPR

    • Seizures

    • Seizure Treatment

    • Allergic Reactions

    • Allergic Reaction Treatment Video

    • Water Safety

    • Sun Safety

    • Teaching Your Child to Call 911

    • Self Care

    • End of Module 7

  • 8

    Module 8: Wrap Up: A Word on Teenagers

    • Welcome and Overview

    • Grounding

    • Teenagers and Technology

    • Teenagers Boundaries, and Routines​

    • Teenagers and Communication

    • Video on Teenagers and Communication ​

    • Building Happiness

    • How to Build Happiness

    • Self Care

    • How To Relax

    • Connected Caregiver Post-Program Questionnaire.

    • Program Evaluation

    • Self Care

    • End of Connected Caregiving Program