Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Session 1

    • Introduction

    • Note Regarding Program Completion

    • Pre-Program Survey

    • Anger Solutions - Pre-Program Questionnaire

    • Do I Need Anger Management?

    • Pre-Program Survey

    • Anger Myths and Realities

    • Pleasant Feelings and Difficult Feelings

    • Where Do Feelings Come From?

    • Feelings Log

    • 10 Things Your Emotions Are Trying To Tell You

    • Emotional Awareness

    • Emotional Awareness

    • Self Care

    • Mindful Breathing

    • End of Session One

  • 2

    Session 2

    • Introduction

    • The Science of Anger

    • Physiological Responses To Anger

    • What Is Your Anger Style?

    • What Is Your Anger Style? Quiz

    • Quiz Results

    • Anger Log

    • Self Care

    • Mindful Breathing

    • End of Session Two

  • 3

    Session 3

    • Introduction

    • Checking In

    • "I" Language

    • "I" Language Formula Practice

    • "I" Language Practice Sheet

    • Hidden Anger

    • How Do You Hide Your Anger?

    • Thinking Errors

    • Thinking Errors: Questionnaire

    • Controlling Anger

    • Anger Log

    • Self Care

    • Walking Meditation

    • End of Session Three

  • 4

    Session 4

    • Introduction

    • Checking In

    • The Theory of Anger Development

    • The Frustration Signal

    • Reflection

    • Anger Turned Inward vs. Anger Turned Outward

    • Reflection

    • Anger Log

    • Self Care

    • Yoga for Anger

    • End of Session Four

  • 5

    Session 5

    • Introduction

    • Checking In

    • T.S.A (Think, Say, Ask)

    • "I" Language Formula Practice

    • "I" Language Practice Sheet

    • If At First You Don't Succeed

    • How To Use T.S.A

    • 100 Ways to Cope

    • Reflection

    • Anger Log

    • Self Care

    • A to Z of Coping Strategies

    • End of Session Five

  • 6

    Session 6

    • Introduction

    • Checking In

    • Passive, Assertive, Aggressive

    • What is Assertiveness

    • Am I Assertive?

    • Am I Assertive?: Score

    • The D.E.S.C. Script

    • The D.E.S.C. Script: Practice

    • D.E.S.C. Script Practice Sheet: Printable

    • Bill of Assertive Rights

    • Anger Log

    • Self Care

    • Mindfulness for Frustration

    • End of Session Six

  • 7

    Session 7

    • Introduction

    • Checking In

    • Stress

    • Managing Stress and Preventing Relapse

    • Success with Stress

    • Success with Stress - Reprogramming

    • How To Relax

    • Hot Buttons

    • My Hot Buttons

    • My Hot Buttons: Activity

    • Anger Log

    • Self Care

    • Self-Love Date

    • End of Session Seven

  • 8

    Session 8

    • Introduction

    • Checking In

    • Anger Resolution and Conflict Resolution Skills

    • How Do You Care For Yourself?

    • How Do You Care For Yourself

    • How To Love Yourself

    • Self-Love Is...

    • Self-Love: Reflection

    • Wrap It Up!

    • Anger Log

    • Anger Log - Take Home Material

    • Self Care

    • Anger Solutions Post-Program Questionnaire

    • Program Evaluation

    • End of Session Eight